Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Dinner Time Deathmatch: PIZZA VS. TACOS



There are certain foods that are irresistible. Once they are mentioned as a meal option, they are hard to say no to.  Tonight, we pin two of those popular eats against each other in what should be a barn burner.  This battle will be judged on five categories: Accessibility, Price, Popularity, Flavor, and the return factor.  Many of my readers have been waiting for this battle, so let's get it on.

Accessibility: PIZZA

Though tacos are alot more common these days, pizza is much easier to get your hands on.  It can be ordered online, on the phone, at a restaurant, at a fancy gas station, and almost anywhere.  Tacos have the much loved taco trucks, restaurants, and not much else.  No delivery for tacos, but pizza revolutionized food delivery.  Pizza retailers have websites where you can customize your pizza.  Tacos don't have that liberty.  Pizza wins this round.

Price: TACOS

When you order a pizza, in most cases you can only order a whole pizza.  When you buy a slice of pizza, you pay a little price.  But that slice can not compete with the value of the taco.  When ordering tacos, you can mix and match.  There are different prices for certain tacos, but a slice of pizza still comes out costing more money than one taco.  For the price on one online pizza, you can buy 8 tacos, and they can all be different.  Most taco eateries give you a bargain when you order a good number of tacos.  Pizza can not compete with the cost efficient taco.

Popularity: PIZZA

This one was close, but pizza is more of a first option than tacos are.  There are pizza ads everywhere.  Not so many commercials for tacos.  Your friends come over, pizza is always the number one option.  Tacos are now more popular than ever, but pizza is in the public eye alot more.  Pizza is associated with cities all over the USA, and tacos are usually really associated with the Southwestern region of the country.  As a friend once said, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ate pizza only.  A cute Chihuahua can't compete with that.  Pizza wins the popularity contest.

Flavor: TACOS

This round hands down goes to tacos.  The shear number of ingredients you can use in a taco is endless.  You could also have a variety of tortillas or taco shells at your disposal. Pizza's main ingredients are tomato sauce, cheese, and dough.  Sure you can have a good amount of toppings, but tacos have the ability to bring a greater amount of flavors.  You can add extras such as pico de gallo, salsa, and the always great avocado to your taco.  Pizza's 3 main ingredients make up 75% of the pizza.  Pizza tastes great, but taco has the advantage in the meat department.  You can put any type of meat in a taco.  Both are delicious, but tacos has a wider variety of awesomeness for your taste-buds. 


Though one is most likely to order pizza more, tacos are the better all around meal.  You are more likely to make tacos from scratch than you are to make a pizza like a restaurant does.  Making tacos at home is also cheaper on the pocket book.  Families are going to either turn to the store bought pizza or order a pizza from a popular delivery service.  Taco lovers will almost always get good quality meal.  Also, tacos are ideal for breakfast as well.  Tacos are easier to work with, and making a pizza from scratch at home can get a bit messy.  This Death-Match goes to TACOS.

This was extremely hard to figure out.  I love both, so I had to look at every factor to determine a winner.  For great pizza, look up Big Lou's Pizza.  For great tacos, hit up Taqueria Ricardo's in front of O'reilly's Auto Parts usually from 6 pm to 10 pm.  Next week we have a burger war.  The Legend from Corpus Christi WHATABURGER takes on the Alamo City Icon BURGER BOY to see who has the best burger in Texas.      

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Food Spit balling: Are breakfast tacos overrated? Should you try the Kobe beef burger from Fuddruckers? What is the perfect dish to serve at a Wrestlemania party?


In South Texas, the breakfast taco reigns supreme as the early morning meal of choice.  They are very inexpensive, and there are many varieties of tacos you can choose from.  It's an easy way to feed alot of people, and very easy to cook at home.  But, does the breakfast taco deserve the adulation we bestow upon it?  I say no.  I stopped eating breakfast tacos for a number of reasons.  They were starting to become boring.  I still love barbacoa, but then who doesn't.  But the usual breakfast tacos were just becoming dull to me.  If you have seen one chorizo and egg taco you have seen them all. Not exactly, but breakfast tacos are not exactly an exciting food.  I'm in my mid 40's, and I am eating healthier meals for breakfast.  I do notice restaurants are making smaller tacos, and charging more money.  Not cool.  I prefer to eat tacos for dinner.  Tacos for dinner are underrated.  But to answer the title question  of this topic, yes breakfast tacos are overrated.  Unless you are eating barbacoa. 


My answer to this question......hell yes!  Kobe beef is amazing.  Mind you it is very expensive, but it is a meal lover's dream.  The burger is $9.99, but it is well worth it.  It is the perfect meat, and as a burger it is bliss.  I have ordered it twice, and I was singing its praises.  It tastes amazing with guacamole and steak sauce.  It is also a healthier burger.  It won't weigh you down, and tastes great.  It was about $15.99 as a combo, and I like mine with onion rings.  You owe it to yourself to try this burger work of art.  Beats flying to Osaka, Japan just to try one.  It will become your new go to burger at Fuddruckers.  


One word:  BRISKET.  Brisket might take many hours to cook, but you can feed an army with that big brisket you slow cooked for 15 hours.  It goes well with a numerous amount of side items, and you could make po-boys as well.  It is a crowd pleaser that your guests can get seconds and thirds for.  Pick a great BBQ sauce and you are in business.  You can season brisket any way you want.  I usually make a creole brisket as well as a hickory smoked one as well.  I had alot of meat leftover, but I love leftovers.  I suggest brisket be served with sides of baked beans, potato salad, and cream corn.  Brisket is the perfect dish to serve while you and your friends are watching the biggest wrestling event of the year.  If you were wondering, Filipino food is perfect for a NJPW Wrestle Kingdom party.  Like I said before, you can't lose with Lumpia.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018



It is pretty obvious that the popularity of Asian cuisine has gone up in popularity due to the droves of foodies partaking in noodle bars opening up across the nation.  Ramen first came to prominence during the 1984 Summer Olympics.  Ramen became the most popular dinner option of the Olympians in Los Angeles at the time.  When it reached the masses, it became a phenomenon.  It was very inexpensive, and could be prepared very quickly.  The world was in love with ramen.  As the new millennium rolled around, a soup from Vietnam became all the craze.  Pho billed itself as a fast and healthy alternative to other noodle entrees.  Pho cafes started popping up everywhere, and became a low cost option for diners.  But I have always wondered, which noodle treat is better?  At this moment I hope to end that debate.  I will be looking at 5 factors to determine the better dish: accessibility, popularity, flavor, nutritional value, and return factor.  It's Vietnam's Pho vs. Japan's Ramen in the first edition of Dinnertime Death Match. 

Accessibility:  PHO

     Ramen is more established in this country, but as of late ramen restaurants have gone upscale.  Up-scaling leads to higher prices.  The average price of a bowl of ramen is now about $11.  Ramen joints are also more located in downtown areas and busier parts of town.  Pho restaurants have opened in all neighborhoods.  Here in San Antonio, Every part of town has a pho bar.  The ramen eateries are located downtown and in the northside.  Pho is also very inexpensive.  The average bowl of pho will run you about $7.50.  The serving of pho you get for that price is usually very generous.  Accessibility goes to PHO. 

Popularity:  Ramen

     Pho is a culinary darling at the moment, but ramen is still the most popular Asian noodle.  The store bought variety is a huge seller at local super markets (trust me, I work at one). Pho has its microwavable versions, but they fail to simulate the restaurant version.  Ramen has been referenced in pop culture thanks to anime like NARUTO.  Not the case with pho.  Prices for ramen have gone up, but ramen cafes are much more full than restaurants serving pho.  Ramen wins popularity hands down.  

Flavor:  Ramen

   Pho and ramen are both delicious.  Pho has a clear broth that is simmered, and contains anise, cinnamon, and ginger.  Ramen has a cloudy broth that is boiled from pork bones.  Pho is uually served with brisket, flank steak, or meatballs.  Ramen can have any number of ingredients added to its stock.  It comes down to the fact that ramen noodles tend to go well with any kind of meat or vegetable added to its broth.  Ramen also has a wider variety of broths.  Pho noodles are longer and could get congested with quite a few ingredients added to its broth.  Ramen is simply more flexible to work with.

Nutritional Value: Pho

   Pho wins this category by a mile.  An average bowl of pho contains 330 calories.  A bowl of ramen contains 645 calories.  Pho noodles are made from rice, ramen noodles are made from wheat flour.  Every variation of pho is very lean.  Many professional athletes who look to stay in shape during training.  Ramen tends to be more filling, and contains more carbs.  The instant variety of ramen has recently been found to be bad for one's health.  Pho is clearly the healthier choice.

Return Factor:  Pho

   It all comes down to which soup could you see yourself eating more often.  Pho is cheaper, yet ramen has more flavor.  Ramen is more popular, yet pho is better for your health.  It really is about which soup is better at a restaurant or at home.  The pho at a restaurant is pretty close to the pho one makes at home.  It is very easy to make.  There are many families who make traditional Japanese ramen, but the ramen mostly made in homes is the store bought square variety that does not leave alot to work with.  Because pho is healthier and cheaper, that return factor is high.  The deathmatch victory goes to PHO.

     I urge everyone to try both ramen and pho.  I love both, and it was very difficult to determine a winner between the two.  They are great eating , especially with a group of friends.  On the next Dinnertime Death Match, we pin two of the most popular dinner choices against each other.  PIZZA vs. TACOS next Wednesday.  If you live in the San Antonio area, try Pho Ha Long for the best pho in the Alamo city.  For ramen, try Tenko Ramen.  

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Asian Festival 2018 Wrap Up

On Saturday February 17th, the Asian Festival at the Institute of Texan Cultures returned to celebrate the Chinese New Year.  This year is the year of the dog, and attendance was up from last year.  Way up!  Last year it was very cold, so there were alot of attendees who arrived late.  This year, the weather was pleasant.  The mood was very festive, and the sea of people were all smiles.  I myself, I was ready to eat.  This festival has some of the best food from several cultures, and I tried a little bit of everything. Tickets are only $10 online, and $12 at the gate.  $5 for kids.  5 and under get in for free.  I look forward to Asian Festival every year, and this year had the makings to be the best year yet.  And it was.

My friends and I arrived to a parade going around the festival grounds with dancing Chinese lions, dancers, Pikachu was there, and proud representatives from each Asian country represented at the festival.  It was very cool.  Such a great start.  I was ready to introduce new foods to my friends who I refer to as the Super Dudes.  There was alot to pick from, yet the Super Dudes were very nervous.  Their eating habits are pretty traditional compared to mine, so we had to start small.  What could I have them start out with that I know they would like.  When in doubt, you turn to the Philippines. The plan was to have them try lumpia and pancit.  I have said before that lumpia is one of the best finger foods on the planet, and I could eat pancit everyday.  I convinced my pals to order the lumpia and pancit.  They fell in love with Filipino cuisine.  The pancit was so delicious.  Perfect amount of vegetables.  Amazing flavor.  The lumpia was perfectly fried, and brought a smile to my face.  

Second course for my friends brought us to a Pakistani food booth where another of my favorite entrees was being served.  My best friend Paul, aka Spicy Jones, wanted something with some heat and alot of flavor. I presented him with chicken tandori, a mouth watering tender chicken quarter with warm spices.  It is packed with alot of juicy goodness.  Paul loved it, and was surprised he was willing to try it.  I was very happy this year that the Middle Eastern food booths had long lines this year.  I love Middle Eastern cuisine, and I feel everyone should give it a try.  My friend JC tried Pakistani seasoned fried chicken, and he really liked it.  The spice of the chicken did get to him, but he enjoyed it.  The vibe around the Middle Eastern food booths was very positive, and that warms my heart.
Tandori Chicken

The Hawaiian contingent at the festival are very nice.  Their food is as sweet as they are.  This year, they did not have the Spam sushi I like so much.  But, no one can say no to the awesomeness of the Hawaiian food booth's Huli Huli Chicken.  This dish is Hawaiian chicken teriyaki with steamed rice.  Ans what did my pal JC think of this Hawaiian treat?
Yes.....It was that good.  

The Hawaiian food booth had something for everyone.  The Huli Huli Chicken was its shining star at the festival this year.  Their shaved ice was a very refreshing treat as well.  And as always, they were so friendly.  
Huli Huli Chicken
Mea'ai Maika'i
Shaved Ice served in a blossom bowl

I did notice one Asian favorite that was missing in action at the Asian Festival this year.  I couldn't believe no one had any of it.  There was no Boba Tea to be found.  This shocked me.  A drink enjoyed and beloved by many not at Asian Festival was mind boggling.  This item would be an easy sale.  I also noticed there was a pho booth that had no pho.  I wanted pho.  Others wanted pho.  But no pho.  I was bummed out.  Until, the Korean BBQ  food truck came to the rescue.  Chong's Korean Restaurant was busy all 7 hours of the Asian Festival.  The Korean fair served up by their food truck was gold, especially the bulgoki.  Bulgoki is chicken, pork, or beef marinated in Korean spices overnight and grilled to perfection.  It is sure to have your taste buds dancing while you hear girls cheering on the K Pop dancers on the main stage of the Asian Festival.  

In closing, this year's Asian Festival was the best yet.  I love that people come in with open minds, and are willing to try something new.  You can buy beautiful jewelry, get a Japanese matsuri headband, get fitted for a turban, or try some of the best foods Asia has to offer.  The fact that so many cultures get together every year to showcase there art and food in a positive light is inspiring.  Everyone gets along at the festival. Why can't the world be like this?  Food brings everyone together.  I can't wait to go to the festival next year to celebrate the Year of the Rat.  For over 30 years, the Asian Festival has become a must go for foodies and fans of culture, and I urge you to give it a try.  I guarantee you will love it

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Are We Ruining Pizza?

Pizza just might be the most popular entree in the world.  No one turns pizza down.  It is easy to get, and it is fairly cheap.  Those who seek the best pizza are willing to spend a little more to get an Italian masterpiece straight from the oven.  But, has the quality of pizza taken a nosedive? Are we settling for mass produced pizza?  Has the price of great pizza become too high?  Why are we not talking about how great pizza is?

Franchised pizza is the flavor of the day.  We live in a workingman's world, and picking up or ordering online a pizza is so much easier than getting the family together to go to a pizza place.  The pizza parlors have fresher and better pizza, but dining in is almost always more expensive.  My big complaint is that as diners we are not supporting the Mom and Pop places enough.  There was a great Chicago place here in San Antonio called Kennedy's Pizza that I frequented on a weekly basis.  It had amazing deep dish pizza with a buttered crust.  When it closed down, I was heart broken.  Sure there is a Gino's Chicago Pizza place here in town, but it is really far from where I live.  Kennedy's Pizza felt comfortable, and the employees were really nice.  I love all the popular pizza places, but there is nothing like a locally owned pizza cafe.  Hopefully Goomba's in Helotes doesn't go away anytime soon.  

Certain cities have their own style of pizza.  New York has the large, thin, foldable pie with alot of flavor.  Detroit has their rectangular Neapolitan like pizza.  Chicago has their deep dish pies. Sometimes when other cities recreate these classics, it doesn't turn out the same.  But there are times when a restaurant gets it right, yet is not appreciated enough.  So is the case with Big Lou's Pizza on the east side of San Antonio. They are know for their 42 and 60 inch New York Style pizzas.  They also make a great brisket pizza.  I just feel that alot of their customers look at their pizza as a novelty, not realizing how great the pie they ordered is.  I have eaten there many times, and that 42 inch pizza is amazing.  Great tasting sauce,  perfect blend of cheese and toppings.  It's a great pizza, not a circus act.  I commend Big Lou's Pizza on a great tasting pizza pie.  The fact their pizza has 21 inch slices does not take away from the fact it tastes great.  

Pizza is all over the place.  New York City has over 40 Ray's Pizza joints, and not all of them are owned by the same guy.  Every country has pizza places.  I feel we need to be open minded and give them a shot.  If you are short on time, it's okay to order a pizza from a franchise like Pizza Hut or Papa John's.  We are not ruining pizza.  It has become are go to meal.  I urge all of you to try a locally owned pizza place.  Diversify your pizza eating options.  Hit the streets and find a hidden gem serving up great pizza pies.  And store bought pizzas have gotten alot better.  Established pizza restaurants like UNO Pizzeria & Grill have ready to buy versions of their pizza in supermarket frozen sections.  What I am trying to say is that pizza is such an easy choice when it comes to dining. We are not forgetting about it, or setting it to the waste-side.  To many it is the perfect food.  

Trust me....I know.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Legendary Menu Items: Tortilla Soup from Jim's

Jim's Restaurant is the very definition of a food staple, and has been in San Antonio for many years.  Every patron goes through their doors to feast on their favorite plate. When I go, I see alot of diners ordering either chicken fried steak, pot roast, a frontier burger, or even breakfast in the evening.  But one item on the menu can be seen being enjoyed by almost everyone at Jim's.  It's not even an entree, yet has won a slew of awards.  It has become their signature menu item.  San Antonio loves the tortilla soup from Jim's.

Jim's tortilla soup is the perfect appetizer.  It is full of flavor, with the perfect amount of spice.  It comes in two different sizes.  You have your choice of a bowl or cup.  It comes with tortilla strips, and the perfect amount of chicken.  I religiously order a cup of tortilla soup before my chicken fried steak hits the table.  It is food nirvana.  You mention Jim's, and tortilla soup almost immediately comes up.  Some of my friends start their day with a bowl.  It has become so popular because it is comfort food at its best.  And that is what Jim's is all about.  Familiar food made and served by friendly people.

In the last 10 years, other restaurants have their own tortilla soup.  Alot of them are really good.  But....there is only one that has earned legendary status.  It is undeniably delicious.  If you have never tried Jim's tortilla soup, you are in for a treat.  There are Jim's restaurants all over San Antonio, so what are you waiting for.  You owe it to yourself to try it.  PROVECHITO!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Life After Energy Drinks

Energy drinks have risen in popularity since the early 2000's.  They are sponsors for motor sports, seen being consumed by celebrities, and plastered on our TV screens with commercials.  Recently, the effects of these beverages on one's health has come to light due to over-consumption.  I have several friends who consume over the suggested limit of these drinks, and it is not benefiting their health at all.  I do get asked by people all the time if there are healthier alternatives that would give them energy.  Some of my suggestions may not seem healthier, but they will not put your health at risk.  So, here are five alternatives to energy drinks.

#1 Green Tea

Considered by many to be the next healthiest thing to water, green tea is low in calories.  This Asian beverage has a large amount of nutrients and is sweetened with honey.  The hot variety of green tea is known to have amazing medicinal attributes.  Either served warm or in a cold can, the ginseng it contains will keep your energy up.  I have been drinking green tea since the mid 1990's, and it has benefited my health in many ways.


Tang is still around, and is just not for breakfast.  When mixed with water, it is a great energy source.  Packed with citrus, Tang is best when you are working out or doing chores around the house.  Anyone can drink it, and it tastes great.  I always drink a glass of Tang before I head to work.  I'm not a coffee drinker, so a glass of Tang gives me the energy boost I need.

#3 Watermelon Juice

It might taste sweet, but watermelon juice is a great pick me up.  It does wonders for your immune system, and keeps you hydrated well.  It is also healthy for men who want to remain prostate healthy.  The freshly squeezed variety might be a bit pricey, but Arizona Tea has a great watermelon juice in a 24 oz. can that is only 99 cents.  Absolutely worth a try.

#4 Coconut Water

Becoming very popular in the last couple of years, coconut water is a great way to fight fatigue.  It promotes healthy eating, and keeps your body toxin free.  It is best consumed after a workout or a little at a time through the day.  It comes in several flavors and sizes.  I like mango flavored coconut  water.  There is a flavor for everyone.  Great for when you are out in the sun for a while.

#5 Mexican Coca-Cola

I know what you are saying, how is a soda a healthier alternative to an energy drink? Well, Mexican coke has sugar cane.  A natural sweetener.  I am only suggesting it as a last resort.  It is much safer than any 5 hour energy drink, especially if you are worn down.  This drink is my go to if I am running on empty, and it tastes amazing.  I always tell my co-workers they are better off with a Mexican Coke than a Red Bull.  It gives you a much needed energy boost without you fading later.


If you drink the 64 ounces of water that a human being should be drinking, you will have no energy issues.  It raises your metabolism, keeps you hydrated, and is the healthiest drink you can consume.  People are drinking less water these days, which leads me to believe why energy drinks are big business.  The health benefits of water have no competition.  So drink half a gallon of water a day.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Food Landmarks I Love: ACADIANA CAFE

Owner Dave Saylor and I with the best catfish plate on the planet.

I love Acadiana Cafe.  That is my response to someone asking me "where do I find the best Cajun food in town?"  It's an easy answer for me.  I do it with pride.  I myself being from Louisiana can not turn down an invite to Acadiana.  It's a Cajun Paradise on San Antonio's Westside.  It's an Alamo City Food Landmark, and my family loves the place.

Acadiana Cafe has something for everyone.  They had fried pickles before any other restaurant.  Their other appetizers are great.  My personal favorite are the Cajun Nachos.  Nachos with sausage and crawfish make me a happy man.  The menu is very diverse and still Cajun.  The item Acadiana is known for is their catfish, and you will not find any place that does it better.  The catfish is perfectly battered, perfectly portioned, and goes great with what my Dad calls the best cornbread in the world.  I prefer the hush puppies, but the cornbread is great.  I also love Frenchie's Steak.  Seasoned just right, and goes great with a baked potato.  They also have Po-Boys, salads, seafood plates with big helpings of shrimp, country fried steak, chicken n dumplins, crawfish, gator nuggets, and gumbo.  And let us not forget the delicious jambalaya and sausage.  Absolutely one of the best menus in town.

Acadiana Cafe makes you feel like you are at home.  The wait staff is very friendly, and owner Dave Saylor is known to come out of the kitchen and chat it up with patrons.  My father worked part time there as a maintenance man .  He always talked about how everyone there was so friendly.  And that is something that gets lost in dining.  Acadiana is the shining example on how you give a wonderful dining experience.  It is a great place for any occasion.  It is my family's go to restaurant for birthdays and celebrations.  No second guessing, Acadiana is always the only option.  

In closing, I would like to say that Acadiana Cafe is the heavyweight champion of Cajun restaurants.  I have been to many Cajun eateries, and hands down Acadiana is the best.  They have special menus for kids and older diners.  You could order great desserts like bread pudding and peach cobbler.  You get service with a smile, and the feeling you need to come back again.  It holds a place in my heart.  If you give it a try, it will hold a place in yours.  And tell Dave John sent you. 

1289 S.W. Loop 410
San Antonio, TX   78227

Oh.....before I forget.  Try the onion rings.