Saturday, February 10, 2018

Are We Ruining Pizza?

Pizza just might be the most popular entree in the world.  No one turns pizza down.  It is easy to get, and it is fairly cheap.  Those who seek the best pizza are willing to spend a little more to get an Italian masterpiece straight from the oven.  But, has the quality of pizza taken a nosedive? Are we settling for mass produced pizza?  Has the price of great pizza become too high?  Why are we not talking about how great pizza is?

Franchised pizza is the flavor of the day.  We live in a workingman's world, and picking up or ordering online a pizza is so much easier than getting the family together to go to a pizza place.  The pizza parlors have fresher and better pizza, but dining in is almost always more expensive.  My big complaint is that as diners we are not supporting the Mom and Pop places enough.  There was a great Chicago place here in San Antonio called Kennedy's Pizza that I frequented on a weekly basis.  It had amazing deep dish pizza with a buttered crust.  When it closed down, I was heart broken.  Sure there is a Gino's Chicago Pizza place here in town, but it is really far from where I live.  Kennedy's Pizza felt comfortable, and the employees were really nice.  I love all the popular pizza places, but there is nothing like a locally owned pizza cafe.  Hopefully Goomba's in Helotes doesn't go away anytime soon.  

Certain cities have their own style of pizza.  New York has the large, thin, foldable pie with alot of flavor.  Detroit has their rectangular Neapolitan like pizza.  Chicago has their deep dish pies. Sometimes when other cities recreate these classics, it doesn't turn out the same.  But there are times when a restaurant gets it right, yet is not appreciated enough.  So is the case with Big Lou's Pizza on the east side of San Antonio. They are know for their 42 and 60 inch New York Style pizzas.  They also make a great brisket pizza.  I just feel that alot of their customers look at their pizza as a novelty, not realizing how great the pie they ordered is.  I have eaten there many times, and that 42 inch pizza is amazing.  Great tasting sauce,  perfect blend of cheese and toppings.  It's a great pizza, not a circus act.  I commend Big Lou's Pizza on a great tasting pizza pie.  The fact their pizza has 21 inch slices does not take away from the fact it tastes great.  

Pizza is all over the place.  New York City has over 40 Ray's Pizza joints, and not all of them are owned by the same guy.  Every country has pizza places.  I feel we need to be open minded and give them a shot.  If you are short on time, it's okay to order a pizza from a franchise like Pizza Hut or Papa John's.  We are not ruining pizza.  It has become are go to meal.  I urge all of you to try a locally owned pizza place.  Diversify your pizza eating options.  Hit the streets and find a hidden gem serving up great pizza pies.  And store bought pizzas have gotten alot better.  Established pizza restaurants like UNO Pizzeria & Grill have ready to buy versions of their pizza in supermarket frozen sections.  What I am trying to say is that pizza is such an easy choice when it comes to dining. We are not forgetting about it, or setting it to the waste-side.  To many it is the perfect food.  

Trust me....I know.

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