Sunday, February 4, 2018

Life After Energy Drinks

Energy drinks have risen in popularity since the early 2000's.  They are sponsors for motor sports, seen being consumed by celebrities, and plastered on our TV screens with commercials.  Recently, the effects of these beverages on one's health has come to light due to over-consumption.  I have several friends who consume over the suggested limit of these drinks, and it is not benefiting their health at all.  I do get asked by people all the time if there are healthier alternatives that would give them energy.  Some of my suggestions may not seem healthier, but they will not put your health at risk.  So, here are five alternatives to energy drinks.

#1 Green Tea

Considered by many to be the next healthiest thing to water, green tea is low in calories.  This Asian beverage has a large amount of nutrients and is sweetened with honey.  The hot variety of green tea is known to have amazing medicinal attributes.  Either served warm or in a cold can, the ginseng it contains will keep your energy up.  I have been drinking green tea since the mid 1990's, and it has benefited my health in many ways.


Tang is still around, and is just not for breakfast.  When mixed with water, it is a great energy source.  Packed with citrus, Tang is best when you are working out or doing chores around the house.  Anyone can drink it, and it tastes great.  I always drink a glass of Tang before I head to work.  I'm not a coffee drinker, so a glass of Tang gives me the energy boost I need.

#3 Watermelon Juice

It might taste sweet, but watermelon juice is a great pick me up.  It does wonders for your immune system, and keeps you hydrated well.  It is also healthy for men who want to remain prostate healthy.  The freshly squeezed variety might be a bit pricey, but Arizona Tea has a great watermelon juice in a 24 oz. can that is only 99 cents.  Absolutely worth a try.

#4 Coconut Water

Becoming very popular in the last couple of years, coconut water is a great way to fight fatigue.  It promotes healthy eating, and keeps your body toxin free.  It is best consumed after a workout or a little at a time through the day.  It comes in several flavors and sizes.  I like mango flavored coconut  water.  There is a flavor for everyone.  Great for when you are out in the sun for a while.

#5 Mexican Coca-Cola

I know what you are saying, how is a soda a healthier alternative to an energy drink? Well, Mexican coke has sugar cane.  A natural sweetener.  I am only suggesting it as a last resort.  It is much safer than any 5 hour energy drink, especially if you are worn down.  This drink is my go to if I am running on empty, and it tastes amazing.  I always tell my co-workers they are better off with a Mexican Coke than a Red Bull.  It gives you a much needed energy boost without you fading later.


If you drink the 64 ounces of water that a human being should be drinking, you will have no energy issues.  It raises your metabolism, keeps you hydrated, and is the healthiest drink you can consume.  People are drinking less water these days, which leads me to believe why energy drinks are big business.  The health benefits of water have no competition.  So drink half a gallon of water a day.

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