Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Dinner Time Deathmatch: PIZZA VS. TACOS



There are certain foods that are irresistible. Once they are mentioned as a meal option, they are hard to say no to.  Tonight, we pin two of those popular eats against each other in what should be a barn burner.  This battle will be judged on five categories: Accessibility, Price, Popularity, Flavor, and the return factor.  Many of my readers have been waiting for this battle, so let's get it on.

Accessibility: PIZZA

Though tacos are alot more common these days, pizza is much easier to get your hands on.  It can be ordered online, on the phone, at a restaurant, at a fancy gas station, and almost anywhere.  Tacos have the much loved taco trucks, restaurants, and not much else.  No delivery for tacos, but pizza revolutionized food delivery.  Pizza retailers have websites where you can customize your pizza.  Tacos don't have that liberty.  Pizza wins this round.

Price: TACOS

When you order a pizza, in most cases you can only order a whole pizza.  When you buy a slice of pizza, you pay a little price.  But that slice can not compete with the value of the taco.  When ordering tacos, you can mix and match.  There are different prices for certain tacos, but a slice of pizza still comes out costing more money than one taco.  For the price on one online pizza, you can buy 8 tacos, and they can all be different.  Most taco eateries give you a bargain when you order a good number of tacos.  Pizza can not compete with the cost efficient taco.

Popularity: PIZZA

This one was close, but pizza is more of a first option than tacos are.  There are pizza ads everywhere.  Not so many commercials for tacos.  Your friends come over, pizza is always the number one option.  Tacos are now more popular than ever, but pizza is in the public eye alot more.  Pizza is associated with cities all over the USA, and tacos are usually really associated with the Southwestern region of the country.  As a friend once said, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ate pizza only.  A cute Chihuahua can't compete with that.  Pizza wins the popularity contest.

Flavor: TACOS

This round hands down goes to tacos.  The shear number of ingredients you can use in a taco is endless.  You could also have a variety of tortillas or taco shells at your disposal. Pizza's main ingredients are tomato sauce, cheese, and dough.  Sure you can have a good amount of toppings, but tacos have the ability to bring a greater amount of flavors.  You can add extras such as pico de gallo, salsa, and the always great avocado to your taco.  Pizza's 3 main ingredients make up 75% of the pizza.  Pizza tastes great, but taco has the advantage in the meat department.  You can put any type of meat in a taco.  Both are delicious, but tacos has a wider variety of awesomeness for your taste-buds. 


Though one is most likely to order pizza more, tacos are the better all around meal.  You are more likely to make tacos from scratch than you are to make a pizza like a restaurant does.  Making tacos at home is also cheaper on the pocket book.  Families are going to either turn to the store bought pizza or order a pizza from a popular delivery service.  Taco lovers will almost always get good quality meal.  Also, tacos are ideal for breakfast as well.  Tacos are easier to work with, and making a pizza from scratch at home can get a bit messy.  This Death-Match goes to TACOS.

This was extremely hard to figure out.  I love both, so I had to look at every factor to determine a winner.  For great pizza, look up Big Lou's Pizza.  For great tacos, hit up Taqueria Ricardo's in front of O'reilly's Auto Parts usually from 6 pm to 10 pm.  Next week we have a burger war.  The Legend from Corpus Christi WHATABURGER takes on the Alamo City Icon BURGER BOY to see who has the best burger in Texas.      

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