Wednesday, February 21, 2018



It is pretty obvious that the popularity of Asian cuisine has gone up in popularity due to the droves of foodies partaking in noodle bars opening up across the nation.  Ramen first came to prominence during the 1984 Summer Olympics.  Ramen became the most popular dinner option of the Olympians in Los Angeles at the time.  When it reached the masses, it became a phenomenon.  It was very inexpensive, and could be prepared very quickly.  The world was in love with ramen.  As the new millennium rolled around, a soup from Vietnam became all the craze.  Pho billed itself as a fast and healthy alternative to other noodle entrees.  Pho cafes started popping up everywhere, and became a low cost option for diners.  But I have always wondered, which noodle treat is better?  At this moment I hope to end that debate.  I will be looking at 5 factors to determine the better dish: accessibility, popularity, flavor, nutritional value, and return factor.  It's Vietnam's Pho vs. Japan's Ramen in the first edition of Dinnertime Death Match. 

Accessibility:  PHO

     Ramen is more established in this country, but as of late ramen restaurants have gone upscale.  Up-scaling leads to higher prices.  The average price of a bowl of ramen is now about $11.  Ramen joints are also more located in downtown areas and busier parts of town.  Pho restaurants have opened in all neighborhoods.  Here in San Antonio, Every part of town has a pho bar.  The ramen eateries are located downtown and in the northside.  Pho is also very inexpensive.  The average bowl of pho will run you about $7.50.  The serving of pho you get for that price is usually very generous.  Accessibility goes to PHO. 

Popularity:  Ramen

     Pho is a culinary darling at the moment, but ramen is still the most popular Asian noodle.  The store bought variety is a huge seller at local super markets (trust me, I work at one). Pho has its microwavable versions, but they fail to simulate the restaurant version.  Ramen has been referenced in pop culture thanks to anime like NARUTO.  Not the case with pho.  Prices for ramen have gone up, but ramen cafes are much more full than restaurants serving pho.  Ramen wins popularity hands down.  

Flavor:  Ramen

   Pho and ramen are both delicious.  Pho has a clear broth that is simmered, and contains anise, cinnamon, and ginger.  Ramen has a cloudy broth that is boiled from pork bones.  Pho is uually served with brisket, flank steak, or meatballs.  Ramen can have any number of ingredients added to its stock.  It comes down to the fact that ramen noodles tend to go well with any kind of meat or vegetable added to its broth.  Ramen also has a wider variety of broths.  Pho noodles are longer and could get congested with quite a few ingredients added to its broth.  Ramen is simply more flexible to work with.

Nutritional Value: Pho

   Pho wins this category by a mile.  An average bowl of pho contains 330 calories.  A bowl of ramen contains 645 calories.  Pho noodles are made from rice, ramen noodles are made from wheat flour.  Every variation of pho is very lean.  Many professional athletes who look to stay in shape during training.  Ramen tends to be more filling, and contains more carbs.  The instant variety of ramen has recently been found to be bad for one's health.  Pho is clearly the healthier choice.

Return Factor:  Pho

   It all comes down to which soup could you see yourself eating more often.  Pho is cheaper, yet ramen has more flavor.  Ramen is more popular, yet pho is better for your health.  It really is about which soup is better at a restaurant or at home.  The pho at a restaurant is pretty close to the pho one makes at home.  It is very easy to make.  There are many families who make traditional Japanese ramen, but the ramen mostly made in homes is the store bought square variety that does not leave alot to work with.  Because pho is healthier and cheaper, that return factor is high.  The deathmatch victory goes to PHO.

     I urge everyone to try both ramen and pho.  I love both, and it was very difficult to determine a winner between the two.  They are great eating , especially with a group of friends.  On the next Dinnertime Death Match, we pin two of the most popular dinner choices against each other.  PIZZA vs. TACOS next Wednesday.  If you live in the San Antonio area, try Pho Ha Long for the best pho in the Alamo city.  For ramen, try Tenko Ramen.  

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