Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Are you kidding me? Taco Bell is America's favorite Mexican restaurant!

Recently, a Harris Poll EquiTrend study declared that Taco Bell is America's favorite Mexican Restaurant.  The popular fast food franchise beat out other national brands such as Chipotle and Moe's.  How did this happen?  Like myself, many other diners are scratching their heads on why Taco Bell is number one in this study.  Don't get me wrong.  I actually like Taco Bell, but considering all of the other Mexican eateries I have been to, it is not the best.

Why was Taco Bell considered the king?  The biggest reason is that the really great Mexican restaurants are local.  They are exclusive to specific cities.  Los Angeles has Guelaguetza Restaurante.  New York City has Toloache.  Chicago has Rick Bayless' Frontera Grill.  My hometown of San Antonio has Mi Tierra.  These fine establishments have better quality dishes than Taco Bell, but have far less number of locations.  Taco Bell is everywhere.  One just opened in Tokyo.  Even the local Mom and Pop places only have one or two locations.  In the eyes of some, more locations means I can have Mexican food whenever I want.  But it is not exactly the best.

Another factor of Taco Bell being named King of the Mountain is that they are the least expensive.  You can feed an army with $20 at Taco bell.  At a quality Mexican restaurant, you will be spending a little more, and for only 2 people.  Taco Bell is also faster.  It takes about 5 minutes to get an average order at the bell.  The items themselves are not complex by any means, but you won't be waiting 20 minutes while munching on chips and salsa.  When we all go to a great Mexican Restaurant, it is as if we have all the time in the world.  At Taco Bell, you are there a half hour at most.  

Taco Bell is also innovative.  The local favorite restaurants have dishes that are unique in a traditional way, but Taco Bell thinks outside the box.  Their line of Doritos crunchy tacos is fantastic.  The Nacho Fries are simple, but really good.  Their take on breakfast has become really popular without the need of traditional Latin breakfast entrees.  The Bell is brave when when it comes to bringing the masses something new.  They are masters at peaking the interests of their customers.  I remember going nuts when they brought EXTREME NACHOS to the world.  In my hometown, Roy's Tacos has huge breakfast tacos, but they have the same ingredients their smaller versions have.  Taco Bell comes up big in originality.

Taco Bell is in no means a 5 star restaurant, but they do alot of things right for a fast food Mexican eatery.  I have had great Mexican food in my travels, but places like Palominos #2 in San Diego or La Azteca in Atlanta are not around the corner.  Taco Bell is.  It may not be the quality you seek, but it is light on your wallet.  They are a global brand, but not many Mexican eateries are.  Who do I think is the best Mexican Restaurant in America?  I have to go with La Margaritas in Market Square in San Antonio.  Their menu is a culinary masterpiece.  Just ask ZZ TOP.

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