Tuesday, March 27, 2018

5 Reasons You Should Be At JAMBA JUICE

There was a time where I was eating a whole lot of junk food.  I alone probably contributed millions to the Blue Bell Ice Cream Company.  Then I turned 40 years old.  I knew I had to eat alot healthier.  Luckily there was a Jamba Juice that opened one mile from my house.  Smoothies became a part of my everyday diet.  I refer Jamba juice to everyone I know.  It's health benefits are vast and  puts a smile on everyone's face.  At some point in our lives we have to eat healthier, and Jamba Juice gives you a great way to start on a healthier you.  So, without further ado......

The 5 Reasons You Should Be At Jamba Juice

1- There is a flavor for everyone there.

For real, there is.  You want a fruity smoothie with Kale?   They got it.  Want a mango smoothie with whey protein?  Got that too.  Wheat-grass shot?  Not my thing, but who am I to judge.  Got that too.  The menu at Jamba Juice has all sorts of drinks for every kind of palate.  For chocolate lovers, there is the Chocolate Moo'd.  Need a quick pick up? Try the Acai Super Antioxidant Smoothie.  You can try my favorite, the ORANGE BUSTER.  All sorts of different combinations of great flavors can be had at Jamba Juice.


The oatmeal at Jamba Juice is to die for.And it is low calorie.  Only 200 calories of yum.  You get organic steel cut oats in soy milk with your choice of two toppings.  Very high in fiber, Iron, and protein.  I can not stress how good this oatmeal is.  Great way to start your day.  And it will not weigh you down.

3- They are fast

I like the fact I can pop in, order, and get my smoothie in about 5 minutes.  The staff at Jamba Juice is really good at what they do.  They have the best blenders known to man, and the ingredients are about as fresh as you can get.  In little time, they get you your smoothie fix.  I see patrons who just left work come in just because it takes little to to prepare a smoothie of their choice.  Beats waiting a while at a fast food place that only has 3 to 5 flavors  to choose from.  Time is precious, and Jamba Juice saves alot of it for you.

4- You can chill out there

The dining area at Jamba Juice is clean, quiet, and non-stressful.  The music they play is upbeat, and you can relax.  Eateries can get really loud, but Jamba Juice is usually very serene. No dark colors on the wall here.  The ambiance at Jamba Juice is that of peace and tranquility.  You can study there.  Maybe read a book.  Have an intelligent conversation.  Great place to unwind and reset your energy meter.  


About 5 times a week, smoothies replace a large meal I would normally have.  I am replacing 800 calories with 400 calories and all sorts of nutrients.  Jamba juice is great for a post workout treat, or if you want to start out on a health kick.  You can add healthy boosts to your smoothie to boost your immune system or get your energy up.  Even the baked desserts offered there are good for you.  I see personal trainers there all the time.  You have a drink from Jamba Juice, and you won't feel bloated.  It is healthy done right.  Much healthier than Boba tea.

I urge all of you to give Jamba Juice a try.  Their smoothies are delicious, and their other offerings will have you coming back for more.  So what are you waiting for......go order an Orange Buster and have a great day.

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