Monday, November 12, 2018

Austin Tacos Versus San Antonio Tacos

In the last few years, a taco war has ensued between the Capital City of Austin and the Alamo City San Antonio.  Barbs and exclamations have been exchanged, and the respective mayors of these cities have challenged each other in a taco cook off.  But really....which city makes the better taco?  Leave this to me.  I frequently eat tacos in Austin, and am a native of San Antonio.  In a way it is apples versus oranges, but there must be a winner.  Whose tacos reign supreme?!

Austin Tacos

Austin tacos are with out a doubt a little more experimental than those in the Alamo City.  Those who make tacos in Austin fuse different flavors from other ethnic foods to present tacos that are appealing to the eye and taste buds.  The tortilla itself in many cases is a hybrid of flavors as well.  They are delicious, yet a little pricier, Austin tacos are a culinary work of art.  It is safe to that Austin has a strong lunch and dinner taco game.  The same can not be said of their breakfast taco game.  It is lacking effort and ingenuity.  Their breakfast tacos are pretty basic.  Nothing special.  There are some good breakfast tacos in Austin, but they are far in between.  In many cases, the bean and cheese tacos in the Texas capital don't look like much.  Some of the breakfast tacos are novelties that lack in flavor.  It is safe to say that there is an imbalance in the taco game of Austin.  

San Antonio Tacos

San Antonio's taco reputation is strong on the preparation of the ingredients of its tacos.  Though they are not as pretty as the tacos in Austin, Alamo City tacos are the kings of flavor.  San Antonio has given the world staples such as barbacoa and fajitas, and in taco form they are amazing.  San Antonio tacos are more traditional to Mexican cuisine in the manner of using spices and peppers that are beloved in Mexican cuisine.  Most of the tacos are smaller like Mexico's street tacos, they are packed with flavor.  Unlike Austin, San Antonio has an extremely strong breakfast taco game.  In fact, maybe the strongest breakfast taco game in the nation.  San Antonio is the #1 city in the nation in breakfast taco sales.  S.A. is also known for having great tacos at very reasonable prices.  San Antonio's taco game may be the strongest in the USA. 

For it's all around taco game......SAN ANTONIO is your winner.

I urge you to try tacos in both cities.  Here are some great taco eateries in both cities:

Austin- Papalote Taco House
             Pueblo Viejo
             Juan In A Million
             Torchy's Tacos

San Antonio- Taqueria Datapoint
                       Los Ajos Mexican Grill
                       Taco Palenque
                        Ray's Drive In
                       Guero's Taco Diner
                        Roy's Taco Hut

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