Wednesday, June 13, 2018

If it were not for the influence of Anthony Bourdain.....This blog wouldn't exist.



In 2013, my world started to fall apart.  I lost the girl I thought was the one.  My beloved dog Nico passed away.  I was in a rut that I thought I could never get out of.  Friends were not helping my mood.  I became anti-social.  I became angry.  I was at my lowest.  I just stayed home, watched TV, occasionally lifted weights, and stayed miserable.  While watching TV, I stumbled upon the Travel Channel.  They didn't really have anything interesting to watch, but it kept me distracted.  As the day progressed, one show caught my attention.  It was hosted by the rebel executive chef who wrote the groundbreaking book  KITCHEN CONFIDENTIAL.  He was a tall guy with a devil may care attitude, and he got to travel the world and discover cultures and society through food.  The show was NO RESERVATIONS.  The host was ANTHONY BOURDAIN.  

Bourdain took his wanderlust and invited the world to come with him to far off places, and see how food brings people together.  He mastered the art of narration, so he was able to grab the interest of everyone viewing from home.  He was funny because he was honest.  His fearlessness opened doors the TV viewer never thought existed.  He was cool because he was always being himself.  He never changed who he was for the cameras.  The Anthony Bourdain on TV was the Anthony Bourdain you would meet in person.  He was the guy who wanted the world to join him for a feast in a far off land.  He had a meal with Barack Obama in Vietnam.  Had lunch with Iggy Pop in Florida.  Was influenced by a viewer to visit Saudi Arabia, and changed many people's views of that country by discovering how modern it really was.  He was the world's greatest tour guide.

His show won many Emmys.   Then he left the Travel Channel.  He took his talents to CNN to start the multi-award winning PARTS UNKNOWN.  Two years later, he has left us.  Our tour guide is gone. It has left a huge void.  Bourdain brought me out of my rut and gave me a better appreciation for the world we live in.  I wanted to explore the world more than ever before.  I read Anthony's book, and it became my bible.  The foodie in me finally came out.  It is because of Anthony Bourdain that this blog is in existence.  I live by the credo he always stressed.  FOOD BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER.  It deeply saddens me that he is not among us anymore.  He brought alot of joy to people all over the world.  Especially this food blogger here.  He will be remembered as one of the greatest story tellers of all time.  He blended the cooking world with travel to bring us societies of all creeds to our living rooms.  

Every time you go on vacation and have to try a certain restaurant, think about Anthony.  When you feel the need to post a video of you trying a dish for the first time, thank Anthony.  And when ever that narration starts in your head leaving the airport, that is Anthony.  He made travelling the world cool again.  And for that.......I am forever grateful.  Rest in power Mr. Bourdain.  Thank you for taking us along for the ride. 

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